Well (cough cough). Hang on. Hang on a second (cough cough). Sorry about that. Choking on a Leprechaun. Little bastard went down the wrong way. Alright. I'm alright now. So, some food for thought.

Christianity is the world's largest religion. Still is kind of just. About a third of people in the world, all people in the world, third of them, are Christian. Almost all of them follow the same narrative. The same general ideas. Some differences here and there, but there's certain things that they all, pretty much almost all of them believe in. Thye believe in, the idea that mister Jesus was to send the holy spirit. And their interpretation is almost universal across Christianity, is that the holy spirit is an invisible voice in their head, that's going to tell them secrets. A third of all people in the world believe that. I don't. But I don't disagree with other stuff that's within Christianity at all. No, not at all. But I certainly don't believe in, there's an invisible voice in my head. And I don't think anyone who says that they're getting secret messages from God by an invisible voice in their head that they can't prove, has any credibility and I'm pretty sure you're not safe around them. I'm also pretty sure that most Christians believe that they must be failed Christians, because they're not getting these mystery voices in their head. But the people that claim to be receiving voices are always getting money off them, to give them prophecy, fake prophecies and stuff like that, that never happen. Got to give them money. And I don't think most of them are crazy either, they're just fucking evil. So a third of all people, believe, in an invisible voice in their head telling them secrets. And this idea doesn't even come from, Jesus never even said this. But this whole idea comes from a bunch of drunk idiots that Jesus criticised over and over for being fucking idiots, they got drunk, everyone was making fun of them, because they're getting all stupid philosophising thug life style, and come up with this fucked up idea that, invisible voices in their head. That's where that shit came from. Jesus said nothing like that in their Christian narrative. This comes from a bunch of fucking crazy drunks. A third of all people. But I'm the one that everyone calls crazy. I've got some fucked up ideas I say. I don't pretend they don't sound fucekd up. I deliberately say it, I deliberately do it. but I also mean it, and it's also true. We'll get to that. But, a third of people in the world believe, that. Really?

Let's go to the next one. 25 percent, a quarter of the world people, this is a completely different other people who are fighting those first people. These are the one's that are killing the first people. These people also believe in invisible voices in their head. But the invisible voice is telling them to kill the other, the stupid drunk hippies. They've got to kill the stupid drunk hippies, that I just mentioned. These are Muslims. 25 percent. Every single Muslim without fail. It's a lot stricter than Christianity. Every single Muslim believes, that the perfect man as they call it, he didn't really die. He kind of, didn't die cursing Jews and Christians and shit, after getting poisoned for killing people and shit. No no no no no, that's a different narrative, fuck that shit. There's all kinds of inconsistencies everywhere, fuck that shit off. The popular narrative as the tradition goes and the books say, he flew off into the sunset on a flying horse, with a human head on it. And, must have been into space where it was like, with space is made up of six giant goats squashed between a giant fish or some shit. But anyway, he flew off into the sunset on a flying horse with a human bead, after watching the moon split in two. Moon's still here. The perfect man also told them, to cure AIDS and shit, pretty much every disease, you got to drink camel piss. And you've got to eat flies. And if someone's sick, the way to cure it is to suck on their tongue. Hmm. That's their cure. You got the cough, you got the flu? Someone's got to suck on your tongue. This reminds me of Africa of all places. No, Africa, you know what they do in Africa to, I'll get to that I'' get to that. I'll try to remember to get to that, it's pretty fucked up. But, that's 25 percent. What's that, 33, 25, it's, we're over half the world, thinks these things. But I'm the one everyone wants to, call funny names.

Next I'll go to Hinduism. Yep, OK so, Hinduism, it's pretty much exclusive to India. But there's, it's a bit more complicated than that, but it's pretty much Hinduism strictly is restricted to India. Thye believe in, Karma. They also believe in, human elephants and having six arms and shit like that. And, oh shit, it doesn't even, I don't think it even translates into logic or English. But, six armed blue people elephant shit. The fancy crew or whatever, I can't think of a name to think of them. But, the believe in, reincarnation and Karma. You know what Karma is? We always hear this in the West. Karma, as though it's some kind of good, peaceful, blah blah blah thing. Karma means basically, what you do will come back to you. You do good, you get, you do bad you get bad come back to you, you do good you get bad, good come back to you. So, merged with reincarnation, what this means is, and this is what Westerners don't know. This is why India is so fucked up. Karma means that if you see someone that is being raped in the stret or some shit, you look at that person and say, 'Serves you fucking right, that's your Karma for a past life!'. Because according to their rules, if anything bad that happens to you, is punishment for what you did in a past life. Too bad they can't prove it. That's a bit of a worry. So if something bad happens to someone, join in, fuck them over. If someone gets filthy rich from stelaing and doing all kinds of evils hit, well they must have done something good in their past life and you got to congratulate that. You see how backward, upside down that is? Do you see the harm that can happen from that? That's just, that's, I would go with the invisible voice in your head, because at least you've got a chance of him saying something good. With this shit, there's no good that can come from that. You know, invisible voice in my head could say, 'Hand out flowers and shit'. Still fucked up but, you know, way better.

ALright, so what do we go to next. Buddhists. They're kind of like Hindu's really. They are, a lot of things in common and, I could spend hours going over that if I could. But, Buddhists believe in, nothing. They don't believe in nothing. They believe in, they actually, Buddhism is actually the worship of death. All this meditation and shit. It's actually, it is emptying your mind because it actually means death. Like this Zen, actually it means death. They worship death. And they want to die. So their whole existence they spend in meditation, not to be intelligent and wise and figure stuff out, but to be in a state of death. To be absent of mind instead of out doing shit and solving problems and shit, to sit on your ass role playing being dead. Really, that's what it is. It's not, there's no depth to it. That's what it is. It's antidepth, because it's death. Anti-depth death. Look it up. So Buddhism is the worship of death. Well at least thes one's are honest about it. I could say a lot about that to. Buddhism. So, you got voice in my head. Oh look, my avatar's spazzing out, he can't fucking handle it. Voice in my head. Oh yeah, I should say about Muslims. Muslims also, the perfect man and the perfect example they are to follow, is to marry 6 year old children, up to 4 at a time. And this perfect man and his perfect example raped and beheaded about 10 children every day, on top of whatever the hell else he did. That's the perfect example to follow in Islam. I forgot to say it, that's pretty important here. That's the perfect example to live by.

So, what do we got next. We got, oh the rest is like little, when it comes to religions at least. I'm not going to go just religions but, tiny minority of a hundred thousand fucking gods and shit that no-one's ever heard of. Basically involves mushroom kings and penis donkeys and shit. Whatever the fuck that is. Fuck, just give me Zeus. But anyway, they're pretty much 0.01 percent of nothing.

Then we got, the rest. Because, all these religions, say that each other religion's wrong. And now they're trying to pretend to be peace against eenmies that say that they're going to kill them. So a knife in the back in one hand, and money in the other. Whatever the fuck's going on there.

And, but then we got the Atheists. They're the one's who, ah, they're the enlightened ones. The one's that know what they're talking about. The sciences, and the anti-fuckery-fuckery. the Agnostic Atheists. Is pretty much, you know, if you're an Atheist, you're a scientist. You have to be an Agnostic Atheist. That's all the same thing. It's actually a cult. They're the biggest cult of all. But, these are the people belind, Communism. Anti-religioius. You think these religions are bad? The anti-religious are even fucking worse. Communism has caused more death than every one of these religions that I just mentioned, since the inception of Communism. More than all of them combined. These people are, anti-anything God, anti, you know they're anti-morality, they're anti-truth. There is no truth, there is no right or wrong, there is only the state, the government, the 1984 dystopia. Agnostic Atheism, do you know there's no such thing as Agnostic Atheism? It's a paradox. It's a joke. It's making fun of yourself. An Atheist is someone who lacks a belief in God. It's not just about God. It means nothing can be known. So you got Gnostic, and you got Agnostic, which means, Gnostic means, there's an old Gnostic cult that's got nothing, it's what the word Gnostic comes from, the Gnostics of the ancient past, but that's just the base for the word. But the term Gnostic today is like a logical and scientific term and shit like this. It's not the same as this cult. It's just derived from it. So, what it means is knowing, to know, to be knowable. So, someone who is a Gnostic in the modern context of it, is someone who believes that the truth can be known about something or anything or everything whatever. That the truth is knowable. An Agnostic, is to say that the truth is not knowable. You can never know anything, right? If you can never know anything, that in itself is a claim of knowing. An Atheist is the context of a God. A word that may or may not be personified, and it is so vague it could mean any of these definitions or anything more, to the point where it doesn't have any meaning anymore. The very term Atheist is relative to a specific thing that is unspecified. They're both fucking paradoxes. But, an Agnostic Atheist is basically means, is 'The truth about God cannot be known', right? That, do you get it? The truth of God cannot be known. That is a statement of such said truth. This is the height of human intellegence. To take your own foot, do 360 degrees, and insert it into your own ass, is the the height of human intellect. I really don't know which one of these to choose. You know, I started out with voice in my head but, I just keep going back to voice in my head. It's pretty fucked up, but they just keep getting worse.

So these are all the options you got these days. You got Christianity, you got Islam, you got Hinduism, you got Buddhism, or you got Atheism. And then there's these little tiny cults of weird shit that's even fucking worse. You don't even fucking want to know about that shit, fuck. Like even Buddhists will kill those fuckers, you don't know what they fucking do. But, these are all the options you pretty much got.

The truth is, most people while they call themselves, they identify as one of these groups, very few of them will really back it up with action and really mean it. This is like a fall back thing. They don't know what to believe. Pretty much, almost everyone doesn't know what to believe. But when times get tough, you got something to fall back on. When you lose hope, there's something that, you fall back on this thing that you don't really believe. But, you start trying to make yourself believe because it's the only thing that can give you hope. That's in most cases. Islam's a little bit different in that regard because it's cocerced and forced, and you have to do everything you're fucking told. But generally, no-one really believes any of this shit. None of these religions, not even Atheism. The Atheists, they make fun of these voice in my head and all this kind of stupid shit. And rightfully so. That doesn't even go with the very narrative of the Bible. It's just a bunch of drunks who have reinterpreted what someone else said. And they've misquoted them, but it goes against the Bible actually. But they all do the same thing anyway, all of them. Including Atheists. But Atheists make fun of all this stuff, but they're supposed to be the enlightened, 'We're out of the Dark Ages and Stone Age of this stupid fucked up belief shit. So we're the new kid in town. And we're the one's who know shit.'. Oh, no, hang on. No they don't know shit. they don't know shit. 'We're the one's who don't know shit.'. Because it means they don't know shit. But how do they say they don't know shit, if that's a claim of knowing in itself? Do you see where this is fucking going? Fuck, I'm getting a headache. That,s no, it's from the Leprechaun, that I ate. That's where that headache's from. It'll come out soon.

So, fuck, where are we going here. So, let's go back to Atheism. Science, is kind of a strongly Atheist thing. Well actually, the fathers of science, the likes of Isaac Newton and Gallileo Galilei, they both highly religious. And they both believed heavily in prophecies. Christian, mind you. In fact it was Christianity that developed the sciences and shit. They won't tell you that. When it comes to science, they all like to say. Atheism is labelled with science these days, but it actually came from Christianity. But nonetheless, science is the trophy of, 'OK so you can prove. Oh no, you can't quite 100 percent prove, but you can prove within reasonable doubt in percentages and probabilities.'. Like 99.99999 percent. Even though the people who do the probabilities are 100 percent people. Well, hang on, are they as people 100 percent exist? Because if they don't exist, they're not see sure, can I have your money? Can I have your wallet? Because if you don't exist. Do I have human rights if I'm not sure I exist? I don't have human rights anyway. But, if I'm not quite sure something exists, does it have human rights? Or something, or, what about Leprechauns? Do Leprechauns have human rights? Because, there's a possibility somewhere between 0 and 99 percent, they exist. And I might have just eaten one. But, this just gets worse and worse doesn't it? But with Atheism, science. Science says, 'You can never know anything 100 percent. You can know it 99.99999 percent to the point where you can't fucking count anymore. And something that is that probable that it's ridiculous to even consider the possibility, because it's so low. But you can always be wrong. But there are possibilities so low, that they are beneath consideration. And quite frankly, all of these groups believe that. I, kind of don't. But I agree with the general idea. You should never be closed off to the most ridiculous sounding possibility. But that doesn't mean you should really invest in it. You've got 100 percent of stuff to invest with, and you invest it as a measure of your estimated guessing of the probabilities. For example, if I've got a hundred dollars, do I want to invest in Leprechauns or do I want to buy some food for the week. There's a good chance that food is going to help me more than investing in searching for Leprechauns. If I'm going to starve to death, pretty sure food's the better go there. So you only got so much. Maybe you can invest, if you really want to find Leprechauns you can invest one dollar out of that 100 dollars. But you're not going to put 99 dollars into Leprechauns and 1 dollar into the food. You got to measure these things, against each other. But never close any page unless absolutely necessary. The absolutely necessary is what I talk about when two cannot co-exist. When you can't invest in both. Science says, that the closest thing you can get to the truth and to prove something, is to have a statistical impossibility. For example, it is a statistical impossibility that I jump uo right now, and I just keep fucking going, and hit my head on the moon. Well, chances are, if I jump up it aint going to happen. But what if a meteor strike hit or some shit at the same time, and launched me up in the air and I actually hit my head on the moon? Those things happen. So rarely that it's beneath consideration. If shit like that's going to happen, I shouldn't worry about it because I'm fucked anyway. But, I don't wear a helmet out every day, because I might get hit in the head by a meteor. It might happen, but I got to measure things, you know? So a statistical impossibility is, there's a cutoff point where, look, it's not worth even considering under any circumstances. Well I say, there are even still circumstances to explore the lowest possibilities. And there's a lot of reasons why. But generally, yes, it's a general good idea. So, the closest thing you get to the truth and, quite frankly these other groups that I mentioned, the non-Atheist groups, they kind of agree. They all claim, Christian science, Muslim science, that they always fake. It's a pedestal that everyone wants to beon, all of them. But science isn't any of them, really. And actually, the fathers of science were of the voice in the head people, Christians. Atheists don't like that. they don't know that, generally. And they don't like it. So, what are some examples of statistical impossibilities? Like, I could shoot a gun in space and hit a bullseye a quadrillian galaxies away in a zillion hears. That's a statistical impossibility. If I did that a hundred times in a row, a statistical impossibility. So if I kept doing that, over and over, then basically it's saying that that's not just random chance, there's something fucking going on. It's a game of chance. If you went to open the door, and you get zapped by electricity when you grab the door handle. You think, fuck, the fuck just happened. You might not do it again. because that's like a, 1 on 1 chance there. Like, something's on the fucking door. It's electrified or some shit. But if you're a fucking idiot, if you're any of these groups. Pretty much if you belong to any group, because every group, religious, non-religious. Religious and theism are not the same thing. But, you know, I'm dealing with fucking monkeys who think that, I don't even know where to begin. But, if I grab that door, I do it again. Zaps me again. How many times do I have to do it, till I stop doing it. Until I decide, I'm going to go another way. I'll go around the back way and I'm going to look what the fuck's going on. It's like a dog. Dogs are smarter than fucking humans, and I'll show you. If you got a fucking mirror, a dog looks at the mirror. He's like, 'What the fuck is that? That the fuck is me?'. What is the first thing he does? He goes around the back of the fucking mirror. He says, 'What the fuck is going on here?'. That's one of the smartest things you can fucking do. You go around the back. Although, rarely some dogs they'll just start barking at each other, barking at themselves. But, humans look at the mirror, and they just fucking stare at it. A dog, figures that shit out straight away. Ridiculous, isn't it? But, statistical impossibilities is as close as you can get to proof. It's what every one of these groups wants to be able to get, a statistical impossibility. But none of them really can. None of them. But it's the number one trophy, to say that, to prove that 'I'm right'. So, if you can get one, if you can get more, as many as you can, statistical impossibilities to say, 'I'm the group that's right, out of all these groups, and here's the proof, that statistical impossibility. The closest you can get to 100 percent'. None of them have any of these statistical impossibilities to prove any of their beliefs, for or against each other. So, for example an Atheist can't show any statistical impossibility that a personified God doesn't exist. And the other ones can't do the same for one existing. You don't know. You don't have such a statistical impossibility, any of these groups. Those statistical impossibilities do exist, but they're not in the hands of any of these groups for or against. So, they can't prove each other wrong, and they can't prove themselves right, to a reasonable degree. But they all blindly claim that they are, except for maybe a minority of hypothetical Atheists. because Atheists are two groups. Those who say there is no God, and then those who say, 'I just lack a belief in a God.'. But those hypothetical ones, I'm yet to actually meet one. Because many of them claim it, those who are more on the intelligent side, who look around the back of the mirror. And they always quickly turn into the other type. Or they turn religious or some shit. Or worse. But none of them have these statistical impossibilities.

Did you know that Science is actually the profession of prophecy? Science is prophecy. They're all about prediction. Predicting with chance. If you can predict something and it happens, with an X amount of chance, that's what it is. How do you have chance without something happening? You roll a dice, it's a chance. It's a prediction. It's a prophecy. They just call it by different names, to make it anti-religious or non-religious. Maybe even to dishonestly claim some kind of middle ground between the two. I believe in the middle ground. It's what I am. It's what I am to do. But no-one's actually doing that except me. But, you roll a dice. Let's say 6 faced dice, 1 to 6. And it lands on 5. And you predict whatever number, and let's say it lands on that number. OK, that's what science is. So, if you're wrong, you just do it over and over and over. Because, you know, maybe 99 out of 100, and I'll do 99 other times. The first one didn't work, but maybe the other 99 will. You just roll the dice over and over, and see if what you're predicting is true or not. There's all kinds of ways to predict. You could maybe see something in your dreams. You might have a mathematical algorithm that you counted. I could give examples of that, but it's going to confuse people because they don't know that shit. But, you could say that a voice in your head told you. You could say that an ancient book told you. There's all kinds of ways. You could do a computer model or whatever the fuck. Any and all kinds of ways, to do predictions and prophecies and shit. But none of these really have, none of these groups, any of them, have any respectable, reasonable degree of evidence according to science, that they all agree to. They all agree that science is the top level, it's the ultimate proof. But none of them can get any of it, none of them. They keep talking about it all and claiming it, but they can never show it. They can maybe confuse you by strawmanning, and misrepresenting statistics to make it look like something it's not. They all do that, but they can't actually, you know. Very quickly, easy to, if you got half a brain, you can see straight through it. It's only to fool the most stupid.

So, I have statistical impossibilities. I have statistical impossibilities of statistical impossibilities. Where do I begin? I say the most outrageous sounding things. The most outrageous sounding things. I don't pretend otherwise. I know that it triggers people. I think anyone with half a brain realises I know what the fuck I'm doing. I'm not stupid and I'm not fucking crazy. I know what I'm fucking doing. And that's what kind of scares people these days. But there was once upon a time, when I started going public about a lot of things. That people who knew me, 'I knew there was something about Jeremy. He knows too much. He's got these skills at things. Where the fuck did he get them? And I'm too afraid to ask questions. And he always has an answer to this shit. And I look it up, and he's fucking right. Where is he getting this shit? The life he'sd supposed to be living, doesn't match his knowledge and his abilities. There's something fucking going on here.'. Some people get paranoid and attack me or run away. Other people observe my disposition and they realise I mean well. Whatever I am, I seem to be the good guy, and I'm trustworthy, and they even appreciate that. But it is a bit scary. I can be a bit scary, simply because of the fact that I look like the devil wearing a crown and a cigar. I fucking hate cigarettes. But, appearances can be deceiving. And very entertaining too. But there's a reason why I do this. A reason why I do everything. I don't do things without a reason. And there's a lot of depth behind everything that I do. So, what is it, statistical impossibilities, I got a lot of statistical impossibilities. What the fuck was I, the point I was talking about? Fuck, forgot where I was up to. But I remember what I was going to say after that. I got nausea. Fucking sick and dying and shit. So, you have a nausea attack and your short term memory goes ploop. Like you dropped the juggler balls. So, next I was going to, science, statistical impossibilities. Some examples.

Alright, so I say, one of the things that butthurt people that, pretty much universally accepted these days, 'I'm the founder of Anonymous.'. 'Oh, don't say that. You'll piss off all the fucking hackers!'. Why you gotta say fuck all the time? Why you got to say shit, asshole, fuckshit blah blah blah blah? Well actually, statistically people say 0.7 percent of words are a swear word on average. That's just on average. That includes normal talk outside of something like this where I'm free to talk. I wouldn't talk like this, at the shops. So that changes my percentages. But, if you look. Count my words, how many swear words I say. That's not far off 0.7 percent. I would normally swear less than everyone else. But, to talk about the topic of swearing, it's not necessarily a bad thing. It's a good thing. So what was it, statistical impossibilities, and what was it. See I'm looking to my left, it means that I'm telling the truth. I can't look to my right, not properly, because of the position I've got everything. Alright now. I think my cigar will fall off.

I've got a ton of statistical impossibilities that I fulfill, in all of these groups. Scientifically, Atheistically, religiously. In fact, what if I was to fulfill prophecies, from Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism. It will take all day to go through all the little religious. Even the famous ancient ruined civilisations and stuff, they got shit too, that fulfills all the things that I say. Things that are very controversial. Like extraterrestrial stuff. And then Atheists. The ultimate Atheist prophecies as well. They're supposed to go against each other, what if there was this little trick, big secret, the ultimate plan. The one they're all waiting for, was to fulfill all of their prophecies in their entirety. And, to show who's boss, and that it really is the truth, they're all these ideologies with prophecies that are supposedly against each other, it happens in such a way that every one of their prophecies happens simultaneously, without contradictioning each other in any way. They thought they did contradict each other. No no no no, read it again. Hmm. I got tonnes of videos to show this. I got all the proof in the world. Tonnes of shit. If I was just a crazy, nobody with no criminal record, no income, no friends, no nothing, why is the government so shitting themselves over me? Why are they so desperate to get me? Why do they keep vandalising my shit and trying to raid me and panic and laughing about it and going crazy? And me saying I'm the founder of Anonymous, where are all these hackers? Well I did the battles. Destroyed them all. I go in the room, and they just scatter like cockroaches these days. Why? I'm not a hacker. I never claimed to be a hacker. I don't go around hacking computers. I've got a lot of skills with computers, but I don't hack things. So what have they got to be afraid of? Oh, a lot of shit has happened. I've documented it, if you're watching this you probably already know. At least, a good sizable part of it. So much more that you haven't seen. But, you get the gist of it. So, what if I was to fulfill all of the prophecies of all these contradicting groups? And what if I was to say that, 'Hey, look. Your very prophecies say that someone will actually do that. And you overlooked all this shit. Right in fucking front of your face, all this time. And you overlooked it. And your own prophecies say that you'll overlook it.'. Imagine if you're like an expert in this book, and you thought you know it inside out. It's your whole profession. You could read it backwards, forwards, inside out. And then, someone comes along, and says, 'Hey, I'm the man in that book.'. And they say, 'No, you can't be because blah blah blah blah blah.'. And he says, 'No. The book's going to say this dude, Thomas fuckery whatever, is going to say this and here's the proof in this book. Jeremy is going to talk to him and refer him to this part of the book, and this is this saying and it's the book right now.'. That's pretty ridiculous, like this guy who would know it inside out. And then he goes, 'Read this verse.'. And he's like, 'Yeah, OK. I know this verse. What the fuck? Why did I never know? I know this book inside out, how did I look past that?'. That's as ridiculous and obvious as all the fulfillment of prophecy and scientific prediction and stuff here. I've got tonnes of videos I could show. Hundreds, thousands of hours of shit, that I've compiled. People go around making claims, and I'm dealing with people who believe in, voice in my head, split the moon in two, you can never know nothing except for claiming to know nothing incoherently and, elephants and six armed gilgameshes, and mushroom people. This is what you all supposedly believe. These are all the options that you have, that are there. And people would say that because I contradict their little tiny box of fuckery, that somehow I'm the one in the wrong. We'll get to that if I can, if my body will hold out. So, I say a lot of things. I don't just say really vague things that aren't disprovable. This is a trick that people play, is that they make claims that you can't prove true or false. And they say that if you can't prove it false then therefore it's true. Like toddler level bullshit. But they all do it, all these groups. Atheists like to pretend that they don't and that all the others do. But, they all do it, they all do it. I can show you, I can prove this shit. I debate expert Atheists, all these all the time. And they lose their shit the most man. They're the most religious of all. They may not be theists, but they're the most religious of all.

So, how are we going to know if any of these are right? Any of these groups are right? And if I'm right? Because they all say that I'm the one that's wrong. The only thing they will agree on is that I'm wrong. Even though I have the very evidence according to the rules they all follow. How do you know which one's right? Do you debate? Do they debate this shit, they go through the evidence? No no no, they insist, 'I'm the one with the badge or the label, the nametag, and therefore look, I'm the authority and just do what I tell you.'. That's pretty much what they all do. You just go with what you're told. They go in their own corners. They generally won't confront each other, except to do a little publicity stunt for self gain. And they do a fake weak debate. They won't really get into anything serious or meaningful. They don't want to contradict each other. They make an agreement beforehand, that 'We won't touch this, we won't touch that. We just go on some little minor things so we can get some Facebook likes and Youtube clicks and ad revenue and some popularity and that so we, "I can get people to go to my church. You can get people to go to your little church, whatever you want to", church of science, not scientology but science-ism-ology, the other scientology. Psychiatry, scientology's enemy against psychiatry. Psychiatry is just another scientology, it's all fake science. Scientology's criticisms of psychiatry are in fact true. All these groups, not everything they say is false. Not everything. They don't know what the fuck they're doing. The smallest groups who tend to be outside the main ones, are probably more reliable but more dangerous. Nausea again, I forgot what I'm fucking doing. What was I going to say, statistical impossibilities, hmm. So what if I, with all the outrageous claims I have, was to fulfill everything? And I've already proved it. People lose their shit because I back up my words and it's all fucking true. Word for fucking word, they can't get much clearer than that. Unless you want to say my fucking name Jeremy Martin or Terran or whatever. We can go there, because that's in this shit too. There's crop circles with my fucking name on it dude. Yes, there's fucking crop, the most famous fucking crop circles have my fucking name in it. I've got the videos to show it. I can't sit here and show you a fucking thousand. I show things, you say it's certainly not true. I've done the fucking video, I can't put the, what am I going to do? This video is going to last for 2,000 hours so I can show you all this shit? I put this shit up all the time. It's all true. So, I say all kinds of things. Let's go some topics.

Multiple universes. So much I can fucking say. Multiple universe, I say that I came from an alternate universe. I'm not the only one who said this kind of thing. But typically, people who say that kind of thing are, 'Oh, get away from that, get away from that.'. Unless you're drinking a lot of beer and you want entertainment for the night. That's about it. But if you really stick to saying a claim like that, 'Oh, get away from that, everyone away, that's like the government and UFO's. Ergghh, get away from that!.'. But I've been saying very intricately detailed stuff about alternate universes. As in to the point where actually explaining the weaving web of universes and the whole mechanism of how they work. Not just coming from an alternate universe, but a multiverse and how it all connects and how they interact. Universes interact and shit. And how I came from an alternate universe. Where do you think I get all the knowledge that I have? I almost failed high school. Generally kept to myself in those years. Very quiet. Didn't talk about things, to survive. I never went to university. I have no degrees. I have no doctorate or whatever you fucking call it. I have access to the internet, but only a small amount of the stuff I say could be attributed to the internet. Because there's things that I say that you can't get off the internet. Like prophetic things and all kinds of stuff. Where do I get this stuff from? This is what scared a lot of people before I went public with a lot of things. Because I knew things that I shouldn't. And I had skills that I should not have. And the closer you look the more you see, my abilities seem a bit unhuman, on some kind of other level. And it scares people. I understand that. I don't blame you for being scared of that. What the fuck am I? Where do you think I get this from? I don't like to say parallel, I like to say alternate. No two universes are identical, but, it's kind of like a game save system. You save your game, you go to another one. You go there, save that. You want to know where the left path goes or right path goes. Not every path is walked, but every possibility attempts to play itself out, but very few of them get to the point of actually forming into a universe. Some possibilities play out, most of them don't. But the biggest possibilities do, and they can interact and influence each other. I've gone intro intricate detail of this stuff, right. And obviously, I got attacked and called every name under the sun because of it. But, as it turns out, all the sciencey people who are like, 'Ah, no, there's only one universe. It's just all silly fantasy crap. We're scientists here, we're doctors we're scientists we're experts. We're logical, we deal with evidence.'. And, oh, change of plans. the evidence shows all these mathematics that they say they have that they're trying to work out how the universe works and can predict all these prophecy, sorry not prophecy, predictions, scientific predictions instead of scientific prophecy, we just call it a different name, pretend to get away from the voice in the head people. There's giant holes in it. It all works, but there's something fucking wrong with it, right. As it turns out, they found out what was wrong with it. The remainder of the equation involves other universes and, whoop de do, skip a little bit ahead in time, everything I said is now mainstream science. All this multiple universe shit, all mainstream science. Big thing these days, it's like one of the biggest, if not the biggest topics about when it comes to all these spacey sciences and stuff. They all say this these days, there's a big giant consensus over it. Not everyone goes along with it, because some people just like to be different. But that's an overwhelming popularity of everything I said, to the point where the, I can't remember what his name is. There's people who have explored where this goes, and come to getting increasing details of, what their calculations and predictions are working to predict. What do you think they're making the Hadron Collider and all this kind of shit, why do you think they're doing all this stuff for? Just for curiosity? Do you think they, just to answer some wierd question they would invest so much in? No, there's a reason why. They're clinging to old ideologies, religious ideologies, religious Atheist ideologies, yes. Do you know there's such thing as a Christian Atheist? It's not contradicting. And Atheists are religious. Sounds contradicting but it's not. But there's a reason why, because they invest all this money to try and desperately prove their old broken theories, because they're being proven wrong and they're losing popularity. And this is people throwing money to try to keep their cult alive. And obviously it's failed. And you use the tools to try and find other shit as well. There's a giant chamber that cost them billions and billions of dollars that was a complete waste of time. It basically proved themselves wrong. I'm not talking about the giant international circle thing, you know what I'm talking about. Where you throw a ball at another ball. Where two balls, two testicles collide, you make a black hole and shit. Call it the giant ball clacker. Damn, why does no-one call that the giant ball clacker? Because that's what it is.

Onto another topic. Back to what I was saying, statistical impossibilities with the sciences, the, fuck, fucking nausea. Forgot what I was thinking of again. So these old theories have been proven wrong, and all the things I've said about multiple universes, all the leading experts, supposed experts, the leading monkeys, they've backed up everything I've said all along. And the more they go, the more intricate details, they're saying word for word everything I've said. I don't know fuck all about their mathematics. I come from mathematics from a completely different angle. I'm quite well versed in mathematics, but I don't do, a completely different realm of what they do. I don't know fuck all about their equations and shit. It's all jibberish. I don't use fucking symbols, abbreviation symbols. That's all bullshit. You expand it out, and you say it for what it fucking is. You don't overuse abbreviations. So you put this equation with this jibberish on it, each letter means something that only a couple of people understand, that know what that means. And unless you use that letter every day, people look at it and don't know what the fuck it is. You know why? It's on purpose. Because if you know what those things mean, and you're able to read it for what it is, it's bullshit. It's schoolyard bullshit. Try it, just use a bunch of symbols, and just take a bunch of random factors in the equation, and just put them together, and it's just an incoherent mess. And tell them that it's the solution to some fucking puzzle, give me the money. And people just do it, because they don't know what it fucking means. They'll just trust you. You just put on a white coat or some shit. Because people are stupid. And the people also needlessly complicate things that need not be. They don't know how to do it right. But if it's complicated and the layman can't understand it, you're doing something wrong. But their junkie equations, supposedly now back up what I said about multiple universes. I'm not someone who says things after the fact, and say, 'Oh, I said this all along.'. No, I've got a documented record, intricate details. Beware all these other people who say, 'Oh, see I said all along.'. No, you didn't. You're fucking bullshitting. I said so all along. Even before I went full public in 2013, people would know, you start talking about a certain topic, invite me to feedback, I'll say a lot of things. So people know, always knew that I was a pandora's box. I wouldn't talk about things unless asked. But I was asked sometimes, and I would talk. Usually in private, in intricate detail, as much as you're willing to go. That's one of the things that scare people. Because I'm like a genie. You ask a question, I got an answer. You keep asking questions, I keep giving you answers. So, the multiple universe idea. It's mainstream science these days. It's almost universally accepted, in every corner. So if there are multiple universes, and they are interacting with each other, is it such a big deal to say that one can go from one universe to another? That a person can travel? If something can travel, some kind of information can travel, why can't a person? I'm not saying my body came from another universe. It didn't. I was grafted into this body. How? There's all kinds of ways it can happen how. If any information can be transferred from one universe to the other, and all the mainstream science says it happens, it's how the universe works. Universes interact with each other. Information is transferred in some way, they don't fully understand it, yet. But they're confident it's happening, it's all mainstream belief.

So if that's happening, what kind of information could you transfer, on purpose? Like a person? Everything's code, including you. You're a computer, with programs and shit. I can give you an optical illusion and prove it. Probably give you a bit of a seizure, but the fact that you can look at any optical illusion, what it does to your brain. That's a computer doing that shit. You don't know what you are. And the parts of, you don't know the extent of what you are. The parts that you are unconscious. Most of what you are is unconscious. Only a little bit's actually conscious. You're not aware of, are you aware of your heart beat right now for example? But with your mental processes, there's a lot, a large amount of that that's, you're not even aware of it. And you have tools that are operating that you can actually consciously access and use. But you don't know the, yeah you're not used to using them. I teach people these things. I can turn a dumbass into a genius. Pretty easy. Just show them what's in their tool box. Things that they never even used. Something will be a hundred times easier. There's nothing special about it. It's just, you're stupid. You're being artificially made to be that way. Like a tame dog who doesn't know what he can do. He knows he's got teeth, but then he starts figuring out, 'What are these teeth for? They look pretty nasty. I could do something with these.'. And they start asking themselves questions. And some dogs get a bit too close to the truth. You can't unlearn what you learned. The dog becomes a wolf again. So, the idea of what I say about multiple universes. Civillian level people, some people will be all New Agey and be like, 'Oh yeah, there's all these universes. I'm from another reality. I'm a dragon super sayan thing from some fantasy land and...'. Ah yeah dude, you've been on too much fucking meth. Unfortunately, when you talk about multiple universes, you tend to run into a bunch of New Age nutters. But outside of that, a lot of, on the civillian level, people will (especially on the government level, they don't like this shit, there's a reason why, more than one reason why), but they think, you get labelled crazy, if you talk about multiple universes. And saying that you're from another universe, you don't understand the full context of what I mean when I say that. But to say that, people are like, 'Ah, you're fucking crazy!'. It's almost like saying you've got microchips in your head. On that note, give me a moment. I'll do this right now. If I said I had microchips in my head, it's like the most craziest thing. That's worse than tinfoil hat. Oh, actually did you know that tinfoil hats are actually real, they do what they say they do? And electromagnetic radiation used as a weapon, does happen. Not as much as people think. And the 5G stuff is all complete bullshit. But you can use it as a weapon and a defence. But, what was I looking for.

Here we go. So, there we go. That's my head. That's just some of the shit that's in my head. I've got all kinds of shit. I've got more upgrades than Neo. I've got all kinds of otherworldly shit inside me. The government knows that, and I've got a long history regarding this. There are a lot of people who want to chop me up into pieces and cut things out of me to study them, for a long long time. I've been experimented on as a guinnea pig, all kinds of shit. A lot I could say on that, a lot I covered elsewhere on this. So if I say I've got microchips in my head, that's instant dismissal. You're crazy. Go put a fucking tinfoil hat on. Alright, you want to see the photos? Just showed you one. I've got a lot more where that came from, but that's the one I keep with me, on my local drive. Pause the video, look at that, I've got a lot more where that came from. Actually, Elon Musk is now admitting that they've been putting microchips in people's heads and experimenting on some really artificially buff claims of what they've done experiments and found this shit kind of works really easily. Easier than they thought, and that they've been doing it. No information beyond that, and no these microchips they're not coming from anyone around here, that I got. No, no. But, this shit is actually going on today. Not to the same level of shit that I got. They've got a long way before they get my upgrades going. But, putting microchips in people's heads is already going on. Sure it's illegal, but no-one's enforcing the law anyway.

So, microchips in the head's real. I got photos to show my otherwordly microchips, they're fucking real. Multiple universes is real, it's mainstream science. Have we entered or exited the Twilight Zone? What the fuck? Fuck I've been going for an hour. Might have to compress this video to fit it. We'll see. I could talk all day. So model universes. Microchips in people's heads. Turns out that shit's true. Although, most people who say this stuff are full of shit. But, if someone said, 'Falling brick!', or cried wolf, if everyone did it and it wasn't true, it doesn't mean there aren't wolves, and it doesn't mean that every now and then you''' get someone who's telling the truth, who cries wolf, and there is a fucking wolf. Do I have a history of crying wolf and being false? I have a perfect record of being right about everything. The world's best expert than you've put on TV and shit, has a 99 percent record of being wron. The most appalling you can think of. That's the best they got. I'm at 100 percent, flawless. So if I know all this shit, and I'm always right, and I say the most outrageous claims, then maybe that's true? Statistical impossibility son. So how do I know all this stuff? I say I'm the founder of Anonymous. If it turns out that I am, everyone knows that now, everyone accepts that, what does that make me? Does that not make me, little old Jeremy who used to be so quiet. But there was a big mystery about him. He was always so quiet. He always knew too much. He was up to something. Well, now you know what I was up to. I was the founder of Anonymous. I'm the guy behind the biggest global movement in the world. I'm the guy that all the security experts in the world are scared of. Every government is shaking in their boots, as they say. I'm the one, singlehandedly behind all that shit. And all these armies of hackers who worship my shadow and spit in my face, wage war against me. All by myself. All the world's elite hackers. Who's still standing? Here I am. Where are they? You want to deny my claim? You want to prove me wrong? I'm the only one who puts debate money up. A thousand dollars, I've had it up for ages. Never lose a debate. Always right. Might be scary to hear that one guy, that I'm that guy, that this was all the work of one guy, and I'm him. And if you knew me, even more scarier. Ignore the fact that I look like the devil right now. But to find out that I really was, it turns out I'm not crazy and the stuff I was saying was true, about Anonymous at least, that can be very scary. And I understand. What the fuck has Jeremy been up to? And then you find out he's saying he's the messiah and shit. Oh, ok, he must have gone crazy. But this other stuff's true. What the fuck? Is he fucking crazy, true and dangerous and, a bit of all things? Who knows? Scary isn't it? What the fuck am I? Who knws, am I the devil? Well actually, if you look at the descriptions of any devils and evil, the mastermind of evil, depending on different names and different descriptions, always comes as a friend. With false gifts and broken promises. He doesn't come looking like this. The messiah comes looking like this. Fucking look it up. Rejected by mankind. Disgusting appearance. Scarcely recognisable as a human. The devil comes in a suit, with hair covered in gel, 'Thank you Jesus!'. He comes as your friend, in the name of peace. This is what evil does. Evil deceives and lies. I don't lie and deceive. I'm not claiming to be the devil. Just because I look him right now, doesn't mean I am. I'm, using this appearance for a reason. I'm not trying to claim to be the devil. I'm not doing it to scare you either. I do it in a baby voice and I do karaoke in it. It's fucking awesome. But the devil hides behind a fake personality and puts on a big act and pretends to be your friend and stuff. I don't say there is a devil. I say that the equivalent of what you might call a devil is actually now dead. Kind of. It's a bit complicated. I've already done stuff on that. I put it into the first person game, interactive thing to incorporate it into a more detailed explaantion of all that. But basically, you could say technically there's no devil. And the evil really in mankind, if you actually read any stories, is, the evil one is not responsible for any of the evil on this world. He may be evil, but he didn't cause any of this. You did. He's just revealed the evil in you. He just brought it to the surface. This is all your doing. The evil, and who's your creator? If there is a God, that God is not your creator. Your ancestors are your creator. You're given free will to choose your path. This is the path that your ancestors chose. You evolved into what you are, because of choices your ancestors made. Ther's no God that made that. If there's a God that made those choices, you are just a mindless puppet. Your life has no value. You're just a lifeless puppet to someone else. That's not life. To be alive, you need free will and to make choices on your own to be your own creator. You didn't create these circumstances that started this thing, but you were put here to choose your own path. Therefore you are your own creator. Obviously, it doesn't make you a god. And it doesn't mean that there isn't a God either, that started all this. But, that God is not your creator. Nor is any devil or whatever you want to call things. Your ancestors are your creator, and you are your own creator. And you're not created yet. You're still being built. You're going through the evolutionary process still. You're in a bit of a choke point and struggle here, that you may or may not survive. But, you're like in an egg, in a womb. You haven't been born yet. You're living in a dream world, Zeo, Zero. You really are living in a dream world, you're living in a dream of what you're becoming. You're still in a womb, dreaming of what you're going to become. You've got a long way to go until you're born, but this is a big timeline, and this timeline decides whether you make it or not any further. There are different points where this happens, but this is the big one of all time, that decides whether you're going to make it or not. There are other times where you'll be tested, you might not make it. But this is the big one. It's why I'm here.

So if I'm the founder of Anonymous, and I really am behind all this stuff, if every government in the world is shaking in their boots over me. You see what the Australian government did, and I'm not making this up. They're panicking and shitting themselves and trying desperately to make me disappear. Because what I say is true. If I was just a random idiot talking shit, would the government be doing this? Every time I walk in the room, would all these elite world's top computer hackers, why would they scatter like cockroaches in my presence? I'm not even a fucking hacker. Why would people react this way, if I was just some random dude talking shit? So if I am the founder of Anonymous. And I say I come from another universe. And I say more than that. I don't even come from that universe. I've been around. It is a long story, and so long that I could spend the rest of this life here trying to tell it all. I can try and tell it from a range of, I can sufficiently give you the gist. It is a very big long story. I say a lot of bizarre things, and I know that they sound bizarre. But they are all true. And the problem isn't in whether I am crazy or true or the founder of Anonymous or the messiah or the devil or whatever you want to say that I am. This world is full of people who believe in, the voice in their head, or marrying 6 year olds, or karma where it's good to rape people because it's their karma and it's good to worship thieves because it means that they've done something good in their past life, or the Biddhists who worship death, or the Atheists who kick their own ass. This is the best you've got. And you're calling me crazy? You want to do a competition with me? No-one will do a competition, no-one will debate me anymore because they know I'm right. I put up the money, I reward them and they, nope, too scared, after what happens to people. And those who criticise, what happens? If I'm not who I am, I'm not saying I have any superpowers, the only superpower I claim to have is that I'm incorruptible, that's it. I'm not saying I didn't once upon a time have other powers. I've lost a lot of powers, even in this life I've lost a lot of powers. I'm fucking brain damaged and shit that's been done to me, the government torture and mutliated me and shit. I'm not what I once was. And the only superpower I have left right now is that I'm incorruptible. Which is the only superpower that really counts here. All the people who did a lot of bad things to me, lied about me, conspired against me, did some really fucked up shit, what has happened? I'm not doing this, someone else is doing this. Someone else has my back, and is really pissed off at those who fuck with me. So much that those who fuck with me have, they scatter these days after seeing this shit. How many people, and I'm saying this is not my doing, and I don't necessarily agree with it, but someone's got my back and is really fucking pissed off. People falling off buildings, getting struck by lightning, spontaneous heart attacks, all on pinpoint timing. All this shit, over and over and over. Earthquakes, everything. Every step of the way. Over and over again. The people I want killed are the ones that are being kept alive for the punishment. And I understand why. The ones that end up dying, in most cases I'd rather have not died. But they fucked with me, and someone's striking them with lightning and shit over and over. It's not my will that's doing this. It's someone else, they're fucking pissed off. If someone else has my back like that, then what the fuck am I? It's not me doing it, so what am I endorsed by? What am I endorsed by that I can also summon such powers I have done, that I don't have myself, but I can command them? And I show the videos of me doing it. Commanding lighting strikes and all this kind of shit. I've glitched the fucking laws of physics out, on command. I've got videos of me doing it. Chances are you've probably seen them. But I can't sit here and show you thousands of hours of this, I've already gone over an hour here. All the shit's there. What the fuck's going on? What am I? Am I telling the truth or am I fucking crazy? An I evil? An I good? An M crazy? Am I a liar? That's not the issue here. That's not the problem. The problem is, people say things. you don't know they're true or false. You don't know the situation. The problem is, when you judge and make conclusions, too early, with not enough information, based on your own personal biases and insecurities and inadequacies. And your judgement's all fucked up. You don't deal with situations right. It's one of the reasons why I deliberately, in people's face, and direct, and I push people. For a good reason. I'm poking you in the forehead, to get you to think. Snap out of the fucking psychological spell you're under, of stupor. Start using what's left of your noggin. It's being deliberately taken away from you. But you got some of it left. Don't lose what you got left. I could say the most ridiculous things. What is the appropriate way to deal with that? If someone is crazy, OK, how is crazy even relevant? What is crazy? If someone's just crazy, put that aside. It's true or false, OK? Someone says something, it's either true or false. Just find out whether it's true or false, right. If it's true, OK, I learned something. See what I can do with that. If it's false, OK, do you lose your shit? I could say that I'm a fucking chicken sandwich. I put up a thousand dollars, betting wager, that I am a chicken sandwich. I am a chicken sandwich. Anyone want to wager me 1000 dollars? Obviously, I know what I'm doing, and I got a trick up my sleeve. But, I really mean that I'm a chicken sandwich. And I really mean that I will win the debate. And people see when I do it, and they laugh their asses off. And they realise what I'm capable of. But for someone to hear me say that I'm a chicken sandwich and be very serious about it. You might think it's funny. That's OK. But do you do it in a narcissistic mocking kind of way? Do you say, 'That perosn's insane, hahaha, I'm better than you.', and just put them down? Is it right to put down crazy people? Do you see a retard in the street, and make fun of him? And somehow that's a good thing? So why would you gaslight people? Make fun of them for being confused in their thoughts? I'm obviously not confused in my thoughts. but for people who are labelled crazy, you would label them crazy and think that they're confused in their thoughts. Why would you label someone crazy who's confused and scared and thinks shadow people are out to get them and stuff like that, as a lot of people are? Why would you make fun of someone who's suffering and struggling like that? That's fucking pathetic. How does that make you the bigger guy? So look, something's either true or false. If it's false, then approach a person and say, 'I think that's false. This is why I think it's false. And if you have other reasons why you think this is true, let me hear them. I want to see, because maybe there's something I'm not seeing. Maybe you are right, but I'm pretty confident that it's false. So look, here's my cards. Let me see your cards.'. And you debate. Everything is a debate. If it's not, it's a disease. It's a debate or it's a disease. Why do people have to lose their shit over people saying soemthing that they don't believe? It's true or it's false. Why they say it, is what matters. It's not what. Someone can say, 'I'm a telegraph pole!'. OK. I'm not going to scream at you. I'm not going to wage war at you. My head's not going to explode. It's a bit wierd. But maybe if you think you're a telegraph pole, there's a chance that you might be so disconnected from reality that you might be a threat to everyone. You might think that I'm a pair of scissors or something. That's legitimate concern. But, when people just say things and you don't have the evidence to justify such a judgement, to judge someone to be a threat. Or, let's put aside the put down shit because that's never justified. You don't make fun of people who are retarded. You don't make fun of people for being weak and vulnerable. You make fun of people for being stupid by their own immorality. Stupidity that comes from immorality, basically. You make fun of people for being immoral and deserving of making fun of. You don't make fun of people for being lost and confused and vulnerable and stuff like that. That's like kicking a dog because he's not a human and he's not as big as you. And you think it's funny to kick the dog. That's just fucking pathetic. So the problem here is how you deal with things that are outside your box. If you're always right about everything, and the only acceptable thing is what's inside your box, what you're really doing is claiming to be God. Center of the universe, you're God and everything outside of you and everything you believe and demand is all right, and everyone else just needs to burn. That makes you the danger and the threat to everyone around you. The only real concern here when people say things that you disagree with is, is this person psychologically disconnected from reality? Are they being illogical? Are they saying something that sounds really frigging bizarre, are they a threat of harm or not? Sadly, most of you don't have the capability to determine that. Because you're fucking crazy and you're a threat to everyone else. So if someone says something that you don't believe, approach them, debate them. And if they say something that sounds like they might be really confused and to the point where they're going to stab you thinking that you're, because they're in a drug psychosis kind of thing, because a lot of people are like that, they're completely batshit crazy. And you can tell that they're about to be violent. That's a good thing, you can just get away from them yes. But, be sure that you're right. Use your noggin. Don't be like a fucking feminist and say, 'There's a man over there. He's going to kill me. Because he's a man'. That feminist is the one who's dangerous. Not the man. Use your fucking noggin. I deliberately say outrageous things, to push people into thinking like that. I don't need your support. I don't need you to tell me I'm a good person and shit. I validate myself by my actions, not by people's approval. I don't need no-one's approval. I appreciate people testing me, because it can help ensure that I'm right. I apreciate being burned in a fire, the fire of debate. Throw fire at me, I appreciate that. That may sound fucked up, but if you use your Noggin you understand what I'm saying. I'm right. Fire purifies. The fire of debate purifies, your beliefs and your ideas and your thinking. There may be something that you fucked up, you got it wrong. And if it isn't sorted out, it's just going to rot and it's going to get worse. If you debate someone over it and they might be able to show you where you've gone wrong. And your false beliefs get burned away, and your bad ideas, your bad habits, get burned away, and you're purified. Fire's a good thing, in the right context. If I'm the founder of Anonymous, and I'm the messiah and shit, people are losing their shit over who I am, and it turns out it's all true, what have I been up to? All this science stuff, the statistical impossibilities, and I fulfill them all. If I've got all the evidence and I am who I say I am, shouldn't you be doing something? Think about it.

That's what else I was going to mention. I'll give you an example. I've got evidence everywhere. I'll just give you a reference to an example, because I can't give you thousands of hours of direct evidence on this video. I've got too much evidence, there's only so much I can fucking show you. But the idea of, you might know of r/K Selection Theory. I've been involved in that. I was central to that. Well I'm not a microbiologist and shit like that. I'm not an evolutionary biologist and stuff. I've got no fucking degree. Surely Jeremy's just talking shit, or he's just fucking crazy. Alright, just use this as an example. I can think of examples all day, I just thought of this one before. I was going to use this as an example. r/K Selection Theory, it's been around for a while but it hasn't really been popular. And it didn't become the big thing that it did until the last few years. There's a reason why it became a big thing. So, there was some big flaws in it. It's based on the idea, the foundation of the idea is not that complicated, is you got r and K basically. They're badly written and everything. But there's the idea that there's two different directions, and there's patterns in evolution that happen regardless of species. And there's two different directions and attitudes to life. One is to go the direction of quality, which means you're investing more in your children. And therefore you're having less children, and they live longer. And the other direction is to mass multiply like crazy, and have lower quality, multiple quantity, with a lot of them don't make it. And that's true. But there's more to the r/K Selection Theory. This is a big thing when it comes to the, you look this up and you will see it's a big thing. The guy who's credited for the fame of this. Look this up, Anonymous Conservative. You know who I am, what I do, my position on different things, and the name Anonymous Conservative, it's pretty fucking clear. I knew the guy, he was in Australia. He's a microbiologist in Australia. I used to debate the guy. I taught him a lot of shit. We had some big disagreements, we debated a lot. He was of the position that the natural disposition of inherited behaviour is unchangeable. It's completely unchangeable. You can't change it at all. It's just set in stone. And I was of the position that it is changeable. And we were both in agreement, of the nature/nurture fuckers, who like to, this is basically the foundation of Communism and shit like this, the idea that the human is a blank slate and you can pretty much program it to be whatever the fuck you want it to be. That's just psychopathic fantasy, it's not like that at all. About 80 percent of what you are, your behaviour, disposition and stuff, is inherited, on average. The other 20 percent accounts for the random factor in evolution, and how evolution works with the random factor, and as well as the factor of influence of your experiences and your indoctrination and whatever right. So it's like the 80/20. I am behind the 80/20 thing. There was no 80/20. I had a lot of hard work to do that, but a big part of that involved me, was related stuff that went on inside and outside my debates with that microbiologist, Anonymous Conservative. I'm behind all this stuff. If you talk about the main force behind evolutionary biology and all these scientific anthropology fields, and it turns out I'm behind all this shit. Amd I really am. So the 80/20 rule, when it comes to this, it came from me, back in like 15 years ago where all those debates and shit happened. Maybe a little bit more but about 15 years ago or so, maybe a bit more. I'm behind all that. I talk about this kind of stuff with evolution and life and space. I know all this stuff for a reason. I obviously didn't get it all from around here. I got it from somewhere else. I've obviously been around, somewhere. But, yes I'm behind it. Look this stuff up, what I'm saying. So for me to say about the world problems here and the inherit side of things with the, I talk about evolution and life and dispositions and all this kind of stuff, I know what the fuck I'm talking about. Because I'm fucking behind all this stuff. It's been proven.

I'll give you another example. I've put this up before, if you find the video of it. I said about space, about the dimensions of things in space, and the location and the things that you haven't seen. I've said all these things, and they've found later. Just to give you an example, the one that I've put up a lot is, the nearby large spiral galaxy Andromeda. They used to say it was massive. 50 years of universal scientific consensus, all their best tools of the world's best astronomers and astrophycisists or whatever fuckery you want to call it. All these different professions and astro-theorological-blah blah blah. Just fancy long names, and their funny mathematics. They say they're convinced in universal agreement that Andromeda was massive. And they were going to collide, and yes that part's true. In a long time they're going to collide, they're heading toward each other, they will eventually become one. It's in my story, it's a long term interaction that takes a very long time between the two. But they've been saying all along, that Andromeda's massive. And the Milky Way's going to get gobbled up by this massive galaxy right. And I'm like, 'No no no, you got it the wrong way around. I've seen this shit. I've been on an extraterrestrial mobile fortress in space. No, I'm not insane. And this is what I saw. This is what they told me, this is what they showed me, and this is what I did and experienced. I referred to an extraterrestrial map that I saw. A couple of them. And I've done 3D recreations of it, in fact I'll do a better one in real engine. I'll do a really good map of that. I've got to make sure to do that, it would be fucking awesome. But I've done a crude 3D one in, I think it was Google Sketchup. But I've done 3D maps of things that I saw and everything. And there's things in space, all kinds of things they've discovered since, that goes against their whole narrative. But this example, I said, 'Look, the Milky Way. I've seen them side by side. On this map. I've seen different maps, it's a bit hard to tell which one's bigger. But one of the things I saw, was them side by side when I was talking to them about this. And the Milky Way was bigger than Andromeda. And I didn't get an exact percentage, I just saw, I'm just going by eye, is Andromeda looked to be about two thirds of the size of the Milky Way. And this was tied to the long term communication that happened with them. And they were arguing that one of the reasons why they wanted to break contact, and they were being dishonest, there was stuff that happened long story, they were intimidated about the size of our galaxy. It wasn't just that, it was that we had a lot more life in our galaxy than they did. And also that we were a lot bigger. And they didn't want our influence on them to disrupt what they had politically going, which was actually very unstable and they were lying about it saying that it was. There were actually three factions, and they were pretty much all hell broken loose between the three factions. But the main faction that was barely holding control of a dominance, basically they were intimidated because of our size and also that we had a lot more life. Well that's been confirmed too. New discoveries have shown about with star formations and radiation and stuff like that, they've determined, 'By our understanding now of how star systems form and life and stuff, Andromeda should have a lot less life than the Milky Way, because of what we know about stars and stuff. And it backs up what I said. But, the size. 50 years of science and astronomy. All these scientific tools right, proving them right. They've got to be right, right? And here's me saying, 'No, you got it the other way around. Andromeda's about two thirds the size of the Milky Way.'. And, I'm not stupid. I know that their scientific instruments say this. I own a deep space telescope, the largest commercially available of its time. I know what I'm fucking talking about. I know what their instruments say. And I'm saying, 'Look, I've seen this shit with my own eyes. I don't know your instruments. I don't use your instruments. But, something's wrong because I've seen this shit. It's about two thirds the size.'. And lo and behold, two years. Some of the original copies of this stuff has been taken down but I still got two year dated ones. I've got videos of it and everything to prove it. And I've also got some things that still predate it anyway. So all the proof still there. I'm sure I've even got other original traces of me saying this. Things that I don't normally say until later, until I started going public. But still, I've got stuff two years predating the discovery, is me saying this, the story about what I saw. And how Andromeda is smaller. And they were going to collide, but it was smaller. About two thirds the size. And for the whole world of astronomy, to have to throw away all their tools. All their measurements, all their versions of how things are. Everything, all their text books, had to throw it all out. Start again. The reason they discovered this is that they got a new measurement tool that was supposed to be better, and that new measurement tool completely contradicted everything. And then they went back and they looked at different things and compared them and stuff, and they realised all their measurement tools had a fundamental flaw. They had it all wrong, and those measurement tools, had to throw them all away. And start measuring in a completely different way. And, as it turns out, I wasn't just a little bit right, I was bullseye right. You look at the measurements, I've done videos showing they released the truth in little steps because they were so fucking butthurt. They're like, 'OK, Andromeda's not as big as we thought.', 'OK, it's about the same size.', 'Oh, OK, OK, it's smaller', 'Oh Ah OK OK, it's considerably smaller'. And, change of story over and over again. I think Wikipedia should have the numbers on it. And it fits perfectly in the numbers I said, about two thirds. Two thirds, maybe four fifths. I say two thirds, four fifths. But, two thirds, it's just dead on right. About 75% is dead on right for what I said. And this is not a one off thing. I've got an intricate story saying this, predating discoveries before they happen. And I do this over and over and over again. Either I'm the luckiest gueser in the world, or I'm fulfilling prophecy and shit. And those prophecies say, that one will come, with a story you won't believe, from above.

So a lot I could talk about for hours but, here we go an hour and a half. I better finish it, yep it's been over an hour and a half. I could talk all day. I could debate all day and stuff, when I'm physically well enough. But, I just wanted to do this video right now, just a little chat to myself. If there's anyone who breaks through the censorship of fucking shadow banning and shit. I say the most outrageous things. Just in this video, I say the most outrageous things. And I do joke a lot. But I'm not crazy. I'm not a liar. I mean what I say. And it's all true. And it's all proven. And, the so called experts of your world, the best of the best, they are, voices in my head people, marrying 6 year old people who drink camel piss and eat flies, the people who endorse theft and rape because it's your karma, the people who worship death, the mushroom and penis donkey people, and the best of them all is the kick themselves in their own ass Atheists who according to their own religious doctrine and their own supreme proof they can't fulfill their own conditions for their own proofs and I do with all the statistical impossibilities that you can fucking imagine. They're all there. Some of this stuff gets full on banned. The rest of it's shadow banned. But still, it's all there, there's tonnes of it. I've gone through, done long videos of all the statistical impossibilities that I fulfill. If I am, and what I say I am, and this is all true, am I the good guy or the bad guy? You need to use your own judgement. And, you need to think. Is this all fantasy and insanity or something? Or is it all true? And you need to deal with it. You need to be thinking, 'What should I be doing?'. The only people who have anything to fear from me, is what I lay out crystal clear, my rules, over and over again. I'm not out to get vengeance or anything like that. The punishments that I must do, are purely to protect the innocent and vulnerable. That's it. For example, a terrorist who's on his way to commit an attack. And he cannot be talked out of it, he's committed to his course. Got to be eliminated. Where two cannot co-exist, one has to die. I prefer both exist, not co-exist, but to go their own way away from each other right. Dogs and cats, can't get along, put dogs in dog land, cats in cat land, let them do their own thing. But when one group won't leave another group alone, we got to pull out the flame thrower to protect that group. We got to make choices. It's like what I said about, a lion is charging at a child. He may be your pet lion, and that child may be your daughter. And you can't talk the lion out of it. He's committed to his course, he's acting on instinct, he's made a mistake and he's going to do it. You got a gun in your hand. You don't want to but you have to. One lives, one dies. You have to choose. Someone dies as a result of your actions or inactions. You're responsible for a death, and that's unavoidable. Sometimes you got to make a choice like that. Right now, you could be out on the street saving someone's life, but you're not. You have the power to do all kinds of stuff. To protect the innocent and vulnerable yourself. But, are you doing it? Super heroes patrol the streets at night, saving lives and shit. But you're not. I used to actually do that. The gist is, everything that you have the power to do, you are held accountable too, for good or bad. Don't say, 'I can't do nothing. I can't do this. I can't do anything. I'm useless.'. Really? What's to stop you, putting on a fucking super hero outfit, going out at 12 in the morning, in the middle of the night, to 6AM tonight. No weapons, nothing. Just completely unarmed with a super hero outfit on and a mask. You have to wear a mask anyway these days. But, in a place where you know there are criminals who are robbing people and picking on children and shit. And just go walking around, just for a few hours, admiring the stars, maybe see a UFO or two, and seeing if there's anyone you can help, in a place where you know this happens. You're putting your life on the line, yeah. You might die. You might get hurt. But you have the power to potentially save someone's life. And if you don't look, you don't make an effort to try, it ain't going to happen. But, if you did that, you go looking for people who need help, you'll end up helping someone. You have the power to do that. And if you don't do that, you are accountable to the lives you could have saved. You have power. That power was put on you. I understand, you may not have even wanted it. But that power is put on you, it was given to you. You were given a life, with the powers you have, to do all kinds of stuff. And you are accountable for what you do or don't do. And the lives that you could have saved, you are accountable to. Don't say you can't do nothing. You could get up right now, and just walk to the other side of the country. Stop at a Maccas every few kilometers. I'm sick as fuck, but even I could probably manage to do it. Reminding me of Forrest Gump, sorry about that. But there's all kinds of stuff you can do. Things that, so easy to do, but you don't. And you make excuses and you lie about it. If I'm in a situation, like with the lion and the child, and I have to make the decision to shoot the lion, I'm responsible for that lion's death. If I'm not responsible for that lion's death, I'm responsible for the little girl's death. I can't avoid it, I'm responsible for someone's death. And I must be held accountable to it. It must be seen and judged by all. And the death that I'm responsible for, I owe it. I owe that life a debt I can never repay. Either way, I owe a debt that comes with the power that I have. That's how it works. It works the other way too. The lives you save. You save a life, they owe you a debt they can never repay. There's all kinds of interventions that you can do right now. Stop lying, stop making excuses, stop being a greedy asshole. The world's fucked because people pretend they can't do nothing when they can. They're just lying and making excuses. So get off your ass, go do something. By getting off your ass, it can often mean sitting on your ass, like on a computer. The internet, look at my story. An example of when you're physically crippled for a number of years. Almost fucking dead. Look what I did, just on the internet. You can be crippled and change the world. There's no fucking excuse. If you can fucking look at this video, if you can fucking move your hands to press a computer key, that's enough. You don't need to know how far or how much you can do. Just try. And keep trying. Keep doing. And see where it goes. That's the moral of the story that I was here to show you, by personal example. Either I'm crazy, or you're crazy. How are you going to solve that? What are you going to do? There will be more to come, whether I survive to be around to see it or not. Remember all the things that I said that were coming on this world. So mcuh I could say that's been, almost to two hours now. I'm supposed to be the insane one, or the liar, or the bad guy. And I'm dealing with, the likes of the groups that I said. The biggest of which, believe in an imaginary voice in their head, telling them secrets. The most influential group, says that I'm right. And backed up everything I've said.

Well, I'll close this video down in a minute. Food for thought. Either I'm the most elaborate liar in the world. Or I'm telling the truth. Maybe you should take seriously what I've been saying. If I am the judge of judges, you need not be afraid of me. I used to be called the defender. I've been called all kinds of names. But I'm not here just to punish. I only punish when I have to. I only punish in order to defend the innocent and vulnerable. Why don't you stop being the bad guy? Why don't you start helping me? Because there will be nothing to survive if you don't. No-one's helping me. Everyone's just sitting on their ass. If you're going to sit on your ass, at least do something on a computer that makes a difference. There's so much you can do. Stop making excuses and stop pretending you can't. All you need to do is try. I could compete in the olympics, sick as fuck as I am, in the hundred meter sprint. I could say, 'I got no fucking chance at winning.'. But I can still fucking try. And I could pull a fucking Bradbury. Everyone in front of me could fucking stack it. I could be fucking slow as a snail. Well he got mockery for that but he really did earn it. But, I could be slow as a snail, and still fucking win. You never know unless you fucking try. The Bradbury story should actually be an inspiration, even though it was taken as a joke. It should be seen as an inspiration. You don't know if you don't try. The guy got a gold medal against odds that were just ridiculous. Still fucking managed to do it. You don't know if you don't try. And it doesn't matter if you succeed or not. Try. That's the lesson of the faith that can move mountains. Don't ask someone else to do it. If you really believe in something that much, you won't sit there trying to imagine it to be true. You get off your fucking ass, you pick up a shovel and start digging. It may take you 50 years, but if you keep at it, even if you just do 5 minutes a day, you keep at it, you'll pick up that mountain and you'll move it into the fucking sea. And with that, I'll be off. I could talk all fucking day. No-one has the balls to debate me anymore, and I've been too busy programming and shit, and everyone is scared of me these days. They're scared of lightning and shit. And all the fucking shadow banning and shit. Alright, closing the video. And with the press of a button, I'll disappear with a fireball. Did you hear that click? That was my G1 key.